
4 Things To Consider Before Replacing Your Air Conditioning Unit

For people who live in hot climates, air conditioning is essential during the hot summer months. Unfortunately, air conditioning units do not last forever and many homeowners will eventually have to replace theirs. Since new air conditioning units can be quite expensive, it is important to be informed before making a purchase and having a unit installed. Use the following tips when you're shopping for a new air conditioning unit:

Your Furnace's Heat Exchanger Explained

The heat exchanger is one a gas furnace's most important yet least understood of all its components. Unfortunately, a failure to recognize the exchanger's role can easily lead to breakdowns and other potentially hazardous problems that require HVAC maintenance. If you would like to learn more about the part played by your furnace's heat exchanger, read on. This article will provide a handy introduction to the subject. The Basics The basic operating principle of a gas furnace is quite simple: gas flows into the combustion chamber and is ignited, giving off heat in the process.

2 Springtime Tips For Preparing Your Gas Furnace For Next Winter

When the warm weather of spring comes along, you may be ready to turn off the heat and forget about it until the next fall. However, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to maintain your furnace before then. If so, use the following tips to prepare your gas furnace for the next winter season. Change The Filter Even if you have regularly changed your furnace's filter and will not be using the heat for a few months, it is still a good idea to change the filter in the spring.

Improve The Air Quality In Your Home

The quality of air in your home can have a huge impact on your everyday life. You want to have the highest quality air possible, but it can be tricky to have high quality air in your home. There are a few different things that you can do that can have a positive impact on your indoor air quality. This article is going to outline three different things that you can do that will help you have the cleanest air possible in your home.

Is Your Heating Unit Inefficient?

These days, there is a push to be more energy efficient with all of your appliances. This includes major appliances, like heating units. And, while improving your heating unit to make it more efficient is a good thing to do in terms of how it affects mother nature, it's also a good thing to do in terms of how it affects your wallet since an outdated heating unit could be costing you a lot more cash than necessary each month.

Boost Your AC Function By Upgrading Your Roof And Windows

Heat gain is the term used to describe the way your home heats up during the day. It is this heat gain that is responsible for driving up your cooling costs. The hotter your home gets, the more your AC unit runs, and the more you have to pay to cool your home back down. To give your AC unit a break, you should consider upgrading your roofing and windows to reduce heat gain.

2 Causes Of Short Cycling In Your AC Unit

Your AC unit can make even the hottest summer tolerable, so having it malfunction during this time of year could spell disaster. One of the more common issues with ducted air conditioning is an occurrence known as 'short cycling' that indicates an underlying problem with your unit. What is short cycling? This refers to a situation where your AC turns off its cooling cycle abruptly, only to turn it back on a few minutes later.

Using Shade To Boost The Function Of Your AC System

Air conditioning is a wonderful invention, but just because you have an AC unit in your home does not mean you are free to ignore age-old methods for decreasing the temperature in a home. For example, using shade strategically can help to keep your home cool, which will decrease the load on your AC unit, and to improve the function of your system. In particular, you should think about how your home can best benefit from evapotranspiration and how shade can optimize the function of your condenser coils.

Tips For Improving Your Air Conditioning System's Efficiency

Your air conditioning unit may be the best way to keep your home comfortable on a blistery summer's afternoon, but these systems have high energy demands. As a result, providing power to your air conditioning system can be an extremely expensive affair, but you may not realize that there are a couple of simple tips that you can follow to help improve the performance of your unit.  Use Shade To Reduce Your Air Conditioner's Workload

The Benefits Of Baseboard Heaters

Baseboard heaters are an alternative heating source that can replace central heating units. Baseboard heaters work by heating up the air around them, which then circulates throughout the room. Because baseboard heaters work on a room by room basis, and are not forced air systems like most central heating systems, they carry with them a unique set of advantages. Understanding what baseboard heaters have to offer can help you decide whether or not they are the right fit for your home's heating needs.