HVAC Hacks: Tips for Novices and New Homeowners

2 Springtime Tips For Preparing Your Gas Furnace For Next Winter

When the warm weather of spring comes along, you may be ready to turn off the heat and forget about it until the next fall. However, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to maintain your furnace before then. If so, use the following tips to prepare your gas furnace for the next winter season.

Change The Filter

Even if you have regularly changed your furnace's filter and will not be using the heat for a few months, it is still a good idea to change the filter in the spring. Even if the filter is not overly dirty, there may still be dust and bacteria trapped in the fibers. Any air flow through your vents could blow these into your house.

When the humidity rises in the summer, moisture can become trapped in the filter. This could then feed the bacteria, as well as provide a breeding ground for mold and mildew. When you turn on the furnace in the fall, you could then spread these harmful particles throughout your home.

Starting the summer with a fresh filter can keep your home's air quality cleaner. Also, if you turn on the furnace in the fall and forget to check the filter, you will not have to worry about home air pollution caused by a dirty one.

Check The Flue Pipe For Signs Of Damage

Another thing you can do in the spring to ensure your gas furnace is ready for the next winter season is to check the flue pipe for any signs of damage. During the colder months, the heat inside the flue coming from the furnace causes the metal to expand and contract. This could make your flue crack, causing a release of fumes into your home.

Also, check for rust around the outside of the flue, especially around any seams. As the humidity and heat rise in the summer, even a small area of oxidation could grow. If you find any rust, you may want to contact a professional heating service to replace it. Doing so in the spring prevents further damage, making your furnace ready to go when it gets cold.

Performing the above maintenance can help you prepare your gas furnace for when the weather turns cold later in the year. If you have any questions or find any damage, you may want to contact a heating service to have them inspect your furnace and address any issues before things get cooler in the fall.
