Common Furnace Issues

Any problems with your home's furnace system can be a sizable problem due to the impacts that it will have on the temperature of your home. A basic understanding of the particular problems that a modern furnace system can experience will help to prepare you for this inevitable situation. Overheating It may not seem like overheating would be a significant problem for a heating system. However, there is a maximum operating temperature that your furnace can safely sustain. [Read More]

Three Reasons Why Your Commercial HVAC Unit May Be Leaking Water

If you notice water leaking out of or around your commercial HVAC unit, a commercial HVAC repair is needed. If water is allowed to continue leaking, it can lead to rust or corrosion developing inside of and on the exterior of the unit. As such,  it may lead to water problems where the HVAC is located. Here are three of the most common reasons why a commercial HVAC unit may be leaking water and what kind of repair is needed to solve the problem. [Read More]

Answers to 4 First Time AC Installation Questions

Putting in an air conditioner for the first time in an existing home can be a bit challenging, since the infrastructure for a cooling system likely isn't present. The following can help answer some of the questions you may have.  1. Is There an Ideal Season for AC Installation? If you have never had an AC, you may not be aware of the seasonal fluctuations when it comes to AC work. [Read More]

Tired Of The Heat? Why You Should Install A Central AC Unit This Summer

If you've been talking to an HVAC contractor about installing a new AC, but you're still undecided, it's time to make a decision. Installing a new AC in your home could be one of the best decisions you make, especially where comfort is concerned. Here are just four great reasons to have a new air conditioner installed this summer.  Improve Energy Efficiency If you're trying to reduce your energy costs by using portable fans to cool your home, you might be selling yourself short. [Read More]